
The Cheerful Giver

God loves a cheerful giver! I  recently shared in a service during the offering how God is moving on our hearts to give cheerfully.  This includes in all areas of giving. We can give by reaching out, writing a letter, giving a person a call, witnessing to the lost, and encouraging our neighbors. 

This is 100 fold living.  When we give a financial seed, we know we are ALREADY blessed because of JESUS. We are expressing the overflow not just in the financial seed, but through all areas of giving.  Therefore, we give because we have been born again and we are in HIM . . .  the IMAGE of God operating through us to reach the world around us!

“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” ( II Cor. (2:9:6-7 ESV)

What is the puropse of our giving? One of the main focuses is for the advancement of the Kingdom of God! We want to see more people come to the saving knowlege of Jesus Christ, sick bodies healed, baptism of the Holy Spirit, freedom from oppression, folks free from poverty, and into Biblical prosperity! Your partnership with New Beginnings of Hoopeston Church helps us accomplish this task in these last days. Remember let us know your prayer needs and requests.  Our purpose is to minister to the “ONE.”

In Him – Pastor Stan 

Ways To Give


1. Text “give” to (844) 480-1158. 
2. Follow the prompts to set up giving via text.



New Beginnings of Hoopeston Church. Mail Check: 204 E. Main Street, Hoopeston, IL 60942

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